I start school tomorrow.
how am I this old??
Honestly I am so scared to death!
The only thing that really seems to make me feel better is remembering how many people go to college and they come out alive!!
On a completely different note, is anyone excited for the new season of scandal??
I am obsessed!
once I finished Grey's, my mom told me I would love scandal (also written by Shonda)
and I am just hooked!
I am almost done with season 3, will be starting season 4 soon and will hopefully finish it just in time for the new season!
And since I am just doing a bunch of random topics, I am going to share some of my latest and greatest inspirations.

weak for green lately

anyways! just had to do a blogpost to sum up all of my emotions and feelings.
plus I want to go shopping but my tuition due date won't let me ;) haha yay for being an adult!!
hope you all have a wonderful week and a great new school year!