Well this year has been a year of change for sure!
As I have experienced real life and gone through more challenges, I have gained so much gratitude for new beginnings.
I have finally realized that nothing goes according to plan,
and that's ok.
As I have gone through my latest challenge, I have felt so much love and comfort from a wonderful and loving heavenly father that trusts me enough to put me through challenges to grow and gain experience.
I have finally come to realize that these choices and challenges that I am facing are preparing me for something great!
I have been struggling with coming to accept the way things are in certain situations,
but today, I woke up, and it all just makes sense.
I am being refined and molded
into the person I am supposed to be.
For the first time in a really long time, I dont have a plan.
I am open to whatever possibilities may become available to me
its so scary.....
but so exciting.
I get to be S P O N T A N E O U S and bold.
Happy fall ya'll.
Remember to be kind to one another xoxo
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