Thursday, February 4, 2016


Oh my heavens, has it really been 2 months since my last blog post??
Guys life has been absolutely crazy lately.
I am running in every different direction everyday.

A lot has happened since the pageant.
I started dating this new guy named Tanner, who is the SWEETEST sweetest sweetest guy ever.

He is so much like my dad.
He is SO funny, but kind of shy and reserved.
He is not at all like any of the guys I've dated in the past, and I kind of like that about him.
It definitely sets him apart from everyone!

I am still working at Nordstrom and going to SLCC.
Not much is new there!
So remember back in like September when I couldn't wait to quit my job at the boutique, and start at Nordy's??
Guys I am so ready to leave Nordstrom.
I loved it for like the first minute and then we got a new manager and my life there has been miserable ever since.
I adore and love every single girl that I work with, but I am just not as happy as I was hoping I would be.
SO I am talking to my moms friend who is a very successful Real Estate agent, who is looking for an assistant.
I don't know if I see myself being a real estate agent in the future, but I definitely think this will give me a good push in the right direction.
So we will see what happens with that.

I definitely feel like since the year started, I have grown so much already and I can't wait to see the person I become between now and the end of the year.
It is so exciting to start from point A and continue to point B and point C, etc.
I love seeing how far I have come
It gives me a sense of appreciation for challenges, and opportunities and especially for accomplishments.
Yay for growth!

Ok, so on Sunday, my best friend of 18 years gave her farewell talk.
I could not stop crying!
I am so grateful for missionaries.
I don't think I really understood how much they leave behind until I was watching Nate prepare for his.
It just makes me so happy to know that The Gospel is so wonderful and perfect, that people are willing to leave everything for 2 years.

I'm going to miss her so much.
Guys glasses were so cool and we all had matching ones hahahhaa

and then, I was doing homework in my room this morning,
and my mom and sister walk in and aislyn looks like this:

hahahahhaa I died!
today is 100 year old day at school and this is what Aislyn thinks she will look like when she is 100.
is that not the cutest thing you have ever seen????

and speaking of aislyn,
she performed with Brekayla Wooley's drill team on Tuesday and it was so fun to watch her!
She did mini chatelles with me when I was on drill team, but I couldn't really watch her because I was out there performing with her!
So this time it was so fun.
She was looking up at us the whole time smiling so big you couldn't even see her eyes

my heart couldn't handle it.
I love my sis

I hope you all are filled with hope for the new year.
its going to be great you guys.
I can feel it!

-Shona xoxo

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